He was almost unrecognizable to those on the street, walking up to a stranger dragging his lifeless body inch by inch hoping for a chance. With severe mange and chemical burns covering his entire body and feet, this brutally abused puppy was about to get one last spark of hope after being thrown from a car and left to die on the streets of Brooklyn.
If it wasn’t for the kind hearted strangers who picked up this desperate creature, he would have been just another casualty of animal abuse. But thanks to these Good Samaritans and the staff and doctors at VERG of Brooklyn, it looked like he just might make it.
This puppy, deemed Walter by his new owners Ro and Kenan Juska, went through a horrific and time-consuming ordeal in being nursed back to health due in part to secondary medical complications. Walter’s recovery required months of strict and costly medical treatments and hospital stays, and at times, it looked like he wasn’t going to pull through.
But he did, and it is because of the resilience of this little puppy, his owners, dedicated veterinarians, and the unwavering support of friends and donors who gave this animal a new start – a new start that helped to turn his life around from a tale of abuse and neglect to one full of love and happiness.