
Kenny was brought into VERG with an abdominal obstruction. He had swallowed something he shouldn’t, and would require surgery to save his life. This was a heartbreaking situation because Kenny has a loving family who would do anything to save him, but the cost of the surgery was more than they could afford.

Positive Tails was happy to step in to help fund Kenny’s medical care. Now Kenny is minus one corncob in his stomach, and back with his family where he belongs. 


Our recent #positivetail Kitty had a traumatic 3 floor fall. While cats will often land on their feet, not this time.
Kitty was rushed to Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group. On examination they realized that the tiny 3 month old Kitty would require a fracture repair which meant an expensive surgery which Kitty’s family was unable to afford. She would not heal without surgery which meant euthanasia would have to be considered.

After a brief discussion with Kitty’s Mom it was clear to her medical team how much they meant to each other. To quote her, “Having Kitty is the thing that brings me the most happiness.”

One of our most important missions at Positive Tails is keeping families together so we knew Kitty and her family needed our help so her case was quickly approved.

Dr. Coleman, #vergbrooklyn staff surgeon performed the procedure and she did amazingly well. Kitty was discharged the next day.


Umi was rushed to VERG when his family realized he was straining to urinate. This can be deadly but thankfully his family caught the problem early and sought medical intervention in time.

Treating this condition though is pricey and was unfortunately more than his family could afford.
They reached out to @positivetails for help and his case was quickly approved.

Fast forward 3 days, with the help of around the clock medical care from our partners at VERG, and we are happy to report that Umi was on his way to a full recovery.

The time came for him to be discharged and go back home to his family where he belonged. We are always happiest when families are reunited!


Antu was rushed to VERG gravely ill with pneumonia. His family was distraught and wanted to do everything possible to save him, but when they heard the cost of treatment, they weren’t able afford it. They were preparing to say goodbye when Positive Tails stepped in to help. After a week of around the clock care Antu pulled through and was discharged to his family, on his way to full recovery.

From his family: “I’m beyond grateful and will always remember…when my best friend almost died, but was saved by the kindness and good hearts of people I didn’t even know.” 

Together we can help keep more families together. 


Macaroni’s family realized he needed emergency care when his family realized he was struggling to urinate. They brought him to VERG medical team quickly realized he had a urinary block which was caused by bladder stones which can be deadly if not treated with a cystotomy (bladder surgery).

The surgery was more than his family could afford. They applied for assistance from Positive Tails and their case was approved. Macaroni’s surgery was a success and he was discharged a couple of days later to one very happy and relieved family.

Here he is recovering post surgery. (what a looker!)


Any puppy lovers in the house?!

Recent Positive Tail Rowdy was rushed to VERG for inappetence, lethargy, and diarrhea. His medical team quickly diagnosed him with the Parvo Virus. Parvo has a 90% survival rate when treated but is almost 100% deadly when left untreated.

Rowdy’s family unfortunately didn’t have the resources to cover his treatment. They reached out to Positive Tails for help and one look into Rowdy’s eyes and there was no turning his case down. We’re happy to say that after over a week of around the clock care, Rowdy improved and was discharged to his happy family. He’s expected to make a full recovery.

While Rowdy did get his #positivetail please note Parvo is completely preventable with a vaccine, so please vaccinate your dog as a means of prevention!

Rewriting their stories, four paws at a time

Positive Tails is a registered non-for-profit 501©3 public charity currently dedicated to helping the animals of New York. Founded in 2012 in conjunction with the Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group of Brooklyn (VERG), Positive Tails will provide grants to assist animals in three distinct ways – to fight animal abuse, help displaced animals and the over-population of dogs and cats, and to provide support to individuals and families who cannot afford veterinary emergency or illness care for their companion animals.

Positive Tails is not a rescue organization, but a group dedicated to providing critical assistance to animals and people in-need. While we do work in conjunction with rescue groups in the city and support their missions, our focus is on providing medical treatment and helping people stay with their pets. We will work hard to lessen the occurrence of “economic euthanasia”, because we know how important pets are to people’s lives and vice versa. We want all animals to live out their doggie years and nine lives healthy and pain free with a loving family to call their own.

Because Positive Tails is a non-profit organization, we rely solely on donations to continue our mission of providing access to life saving veterinary care and to enhance and preserve the quality of life for the animals and people we help. Please join us in becoming a Positive Tails Story Teller for animals!

Please check out our Successful Tails to see firsthand the animals Positive Tails has been able to assist.