Lucius had the bad luck of falling 5 stories off of the walled in roof he plays on daily. Luckily his fall was broken by an awning and Lucius escaped with his life. His family immediately rushed him to Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group.
His medical team was relieved to find that Lucius had a great prognosis if his injuries were treated quickly. He was suffering from pleural effusion (fluid around the lungs) and also and severe trauma to his mouth that would require surgery. While his prognosis was great, the cost of getting him there was more than his family could afford (no one plans for emergencies).
His medical team reached out to @positivetails for help. His case was approved, and we also made sure he was neutered during his time at the hospital…as this is a requirement for any case covered by Positive Tails.
Lucius tolerated everything without a single complaint…this boy does not have a mean bone in his humongous body. We’re happy to say that he did great and was discharged to his very happy family a couple days later. He will be missed by his medical team, but we’re so happy that he will be back home with his family where he belongs.
Thank you for your support in helping us make another #positivetail