
And weighing in at almost 11 pounds, we have Timoti.

Timoti is our last s/n of 2023. Timoti was a cryptorchid (we really wanted our last one to be fun for @cityveterinarycare????) He is our 312th of the year. Our goal at the beginning of the year was 250, so we are thankful for your support that helped exceed our goal.

All of our spays and neuters are on companion animals that are already part of families. This means that 312 families made this happen, sometime this meant getting somewhere at 6am, sometimes this meant traveling long distances, and most of all this means that 312 families chose spay/neuter for the sake of their companion animal’s health. 

We have so many people to thank, but this is just a big thank you to YOU. Your support made this possible so from the bottom of our collective @positivetails heart, our sincerest gratitude!